How Agri-Food Contributes to Minnesota’s Economy

A Career in AFNR Means You're Part of the Second Largest Economic Industry in MN

In 2020, AgriGrowth and more than two dozen leading Minnesota agricultural stakeholder groups released the 2020 Economic Contribution Study of Minnesota Agriculture and Forestry. This comprehensive report demonstrates the significant contribution agriculture has in Minnesota, from adding $37.1 billion in value to the state’s economy to creating more than 388,000 jobs.

The study was conducted by Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS) to show the overall economic contribution of agriculture to Minnesota’s economy with further breakdowns by county and industry.

Key highlights from the study found that agriculture and related industries in Minnesota are estimated to contribute:

$37.1 billion in total value added

388,134 jobs

$105.6 billion in output (sales)

$21.4 billion in household income

Want to know more about how specific industries and communities are impacted by the agri-food industry? Check out the full study here.

Want to learn even more about the challenges and opportunities that agriculture faces in Minnesota? Each year our partner GreenSeam puts together a comprehensive report that provides meaningful insights and a deeper understanding into Minnesota’s complex agri-food ecosystem.

GreenSeam State of Agriculture Report 

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