Organization Name: Greater Minnesota, Gas Inc.
What industry/sector do you best identify with? Energy, Engineering & Infrastructure
Number of employees, member patrons, growers, shareholders, etc. in Minnesota.
We have 23 employees, 10,000 customers, 20 growers and 150 shareholders.
What about your organization or company's work are you most proud of?
Minnesota Gas, Inc. (GMG) is most proud of our ability to find creative solutions on a case-by-case basis to bring natural gas to unserved areas of Minnesota. Our company's growth is primarily due to finding solutions for agricultural customers.
Please highlight key trends affecting your industry.
Recent interest in renewal natural gas is a key trend affecting our industry. Methane producers from both animal waste and food processing biproducts are looking for ways to capture the methane and deliver it to natural gas transmission pipelines.
Please explain a few key opportunities & challenges your organization will face over the next 5 years.
A key opportunity for Greater Minnesota Gas will be finding ways to expand our footprint in renewable natural gas. Our challenges include permitting, finding markets located close enough in proximity to natural gas transmission pipelines to make projects viable, rising costs of materials and increase in interest rates.