Guest Blog: Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom - Robust Resources with Impact.

September 23, 2020

Working toward the vision that Agriculture is Valued by All…Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) has many ways to connect with educators. The months past and yet ahead are very important as we continue to strengthen the connection to agriculture, cultivating understanding and feeding the curiosity of many who are NOW asking why? Where? And how come? When they cannot find what they expect on store shelves, from beef to toilet paper.  

This past program year, MAITC worked with 278 school Districts. The four MAITC Regional Curriculum Specialists logged 1,727 Teacher contacts and a record number, 143,000+ students statewide, directly impacted by Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, up 16,000 from the previous year, even during a pandemic.  

The Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) program offers agriculture-themed, academic standards-based resources to assist K-12 students and educators in whatever teaching environment they are in. The MAITC team of Education Specialists and Regional Curriculum Specialists are available to offer guidance and assistance to empower K-12 teachers to use agriculture as an authentic learning context in science, social studies, English language arts, and health/nutrition.

Fall Resources from Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom

AgMag Series

The Minnesota AgMag is MAITC’s most popular resource with FREE AgMag issues specifically focused on kindergarten, first-grade, second-grade, third-grade or fourth-grade students. When educators subscribe, they automatically receive the fall issue in October and the spring issue in March. MAITC also has a fall, winter and spring issue available for fifth and sixth grade students.

The content from the printed AgMag issues is available digitally on a brand-new website:  This website features flippable pdfs of the print magazines, interactive activities, and an easy-to-follow navigation system perfect for online learning.

Food for Thought Geography Curricular Resource

Explore the seventeen lessonsforty-two county level maps and new interactive crop and climate maps that are part of the newly released fifth edition of Food for Thought. Use the online order form to request the FREE printed lesson book and student desk maps. 

Virtual Field Trips

MAITC is partnering with Midwest Dairy to host a series of free Virtual Field Trips in October. October is National Farm to School Month, a time to celebrate the connections between students and local food and farms.  In-person classrooms, as well as students distance learning, are invited to attend to meet farmers and tour farms that provide hot dogs, lettuce, apples, vegetables, milk and more to Minnesota school cafeterias. Additional details can be found on the MAITC website. All Virtual Field Trips will occur at 10 a.m.

Dates and locations:

  • Thursday, October 1: Goldenrust Farm, Eyota, MN
  • Thursday October 8: Deer Lake Apple Orchard, Buffalo,     MN
  • Tuesday October 13: Revol Greens, Owatonna, MN
  • Thursday October 22: New Roots Produce Farm, Morehead,     MN
  • Thursday October 29: Ahlgren Dairy Farm, Central MN

Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom works to represent all aspects of agriculture. Thank a farmer and thank a logger - agriculture in Minnesota is as diverse from top to bottom in this state as is the curriculum of Minnesota in the Classroom. From the farm and beyond, and across oceans, looking at economics and the impact of agriculture, globally and here in Minnesota, the lessons are engaging and the dedication of the team that trains and supports educators is fueled by passion for agriculture and education.   

MAITC appreciates the continued encouragement and support of AgriGrowth and its members. Every donor makes a difference. Thank you for opening doors and minds as we move forward with our corollary goals and work together to achieve the vision that Agriculture is Valued by All.

To learn more about MAITC, check out or connect with Ann Marie Ward, Executive Director, MAITC Foundation

Learn more about AgriGrowth

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